2020 - released

"Fin de Partie, Bernard Challandes: un portrait" (”Endgame”) is a documentary project directed by Fisnik Maxville.

Synopsis: After an international and successful career as a football manager, Bernard Challandes - from Neuchâtel, Switzerland - embarked at the age of 70 on a new perilous challenge : coach the Kosovo National Football Team, the youngest football national team in the world.
The film is a portrait of a man who constantly delays the ineluctable final whistle on his life and his career.

released on RTS (French Speaking region) on June 10th, 2020.

Directed by:   Fisnik Maxville
Written by:    Benoît Goncerut

Production:    Close Up Films (Genève)
               Flavia Zanon and Joëlle Bertossa

In co-prod w/: Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS, Genève)
               Steven Artels and Gaspard Lamunière

In co-prod w/: Visceral Films (CH)

Editing:       Kostas Makrinos
Music:         Nicolas Rabaeus
Cinematog.:    Jules Guarneri
Visuals:       Kilian Amendola

Running time:  73 minutes
Release date:  June 2020 (RTS)

Genre:         Documentary

Visceral Films
Fisnik Maxville

Screenshots of the actual version (final).