2017 - released

La Vallée Heureuse The Valley of Happiness (English/international title) is a short fiction film written and directed by Fisnik Maxville, shot in Iran (Islamic Republic of Iran).

>>> WATCH HERE <<<

Logline: Shot entirely in Iran in the remote areas next to the Caspian sea, it narrates the story of a young boy on a search for a mythical stone buried in the depths of the Caspian Sea. As this stone is presumably the key to eternal happiness, the boy will encounter on his journey all the people who have been, just like him, searching for this stone.

Directed by:   Fisnik Maxville
Written by:    Fisnik Maxville

Production:    Visceral Films (CH)
In co-prod w/: Amira Films (Iran)
In collab w/:  Cause & Sang Bleu

Cinematog.:    Jules Guarneri
Editing:       Jules Guarneri
Music:         Boris Gétaz
Visuals:       Kilian Amendola

Running time:  17 minutes

Genre:         Fiction

Official trailer:

Festivals :
• Sao Paulo International Short Film Festival, 22.08-02.09.2018
• Festival de Cannes, Coup de Coeur / Short Film Corner, 08-18.05.2018
• Solothurn, 53. Solothurner Filmtage, Competition, 25.01.2018 – 01.02.2018
• Winterthur, 21. Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, Competition, 07.11.2017 – 12.11.2017

IG / FB : visceral.films