2020 - released
"Nagori" is a short film written and directed by Fisnik Maxville.
The film was written, shot and edited in quarantine, at home.
Part of the “Lockdown” collection of short films made by 33 Swiss Filmmakers during the Covid-19 quarantine.
Confinement causes a journey to the past. As there is no photo of me before exile, the first pictures of my childhood are in Switzerland. During the Covid-19 crisis, I discovered them for the first time and revisited a new type of exile: that of the inside. A horizon of memories tinged with oblivion.
Le confinement provoque un voyage vers le passé. Comme il n’existe aucune photo de moi avant l’exil, mes premiers clichés de mon enfance sont en Suisse. En les découvrant pour la première fois, je revisite un nouveau type d’exil: celui de l’intérieur. Un horizon de souvenirs teinté d’oubli.
Director: Fisnik Maxville
Writer: Fisnik Maxville
Cinematographer: Fisnik Maxville
Production: Frédéric Gonseth,
Turnusfilm, Cinedokke
In co-prod w/: SRG SSR, SRF, RTS, RSI
& Visceral Films.
Avec un soutien financier de l’Office fédéral de la Culture (OFC) Cinéforom (avec la Loterie Romande et les cantons romands).
Running time: 6 minutes
Sound mix: Kostas Makrinos
Genre: Documentary
Premiere broadcasted on RTS 2 on May 26th 2020 (Switzerland)
RTS WEB: https://www.rts.ch/lockdown
RTS Play: https://www.rts.ch/play/tv/categories/documentaires
RTS DOK: https://pages.rts.ch/docs/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzNlWynm3yg

Fisnik Maxville